Mac version available!
Dear players,
Thanks to the help of friends, we are now confident that the Mac version is stable, and thus we are happy to release it! You will find it in the downloads section, along the Windows and Linux versions.
We are not Mac users, and thus we will have trouble helping you with it. To launch the game on MacOS, we’ve been told of several methods. Please try each one described below, hopefully one will work for you! :)
Method 1
Unzip the file, then open the
folder, then the Contents/
folder, then the MacOS/
folder, and finally open the Phytomancer
file to launch the game.
Method 2
Launch a command-line terminal and use the following command:
xattr -cr
We also used this opportunity to bring a few improvements to the game:
- Fixed some small graphical issues (you probably haven’t noticed them ;) );
- Added a “Restart” prompt when the player spends too long in a level. This is a small encouragement to start a level again from scratch, instead of being stuck in a loop where the player does not progress against pollution because it has become too strong, but does not loose either because the combination of trees and remedium makes them hard to defeat.
We would like to thank everyone who’s played the game so far! We understand that it’s been quite hard for some of you, especially the last two levels. It is sadly unlikely that we will change the content of those levels, as we need to move on to other projects. Please consider them a challenge that, we hope, is worthy of your time!
Thank you as well to Paul, Niko and Benjamin for their help in testing the Mac version!
Cheers, The Phytomancer team
Get Phytomancer
Nature needs you! Plant magical seeds to remove pollution, harmonize human factories and restore the balance.
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- Phytomancer is available now!Oct 06, 2021
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-- Français --
Voici l'explication pour les non-développeurs qui veulent l'installer sur mac, et ça marche nickel (en tout cas, sur mon Mac M1).
1) Télécharger l'application en l'achetant
2) Si vous essayer de l'ouvrir, ça vous affichera un message que l'application est endommagé, c'est normal.
3) Déplacez votre application dans le dossier Applications
4) Ouvrez l'application Terminal . Elle est dans le dossier Utilitaires du dossier Applications
5) Copier-coller la ligne de code suivante et appuyez sur le bouton entrer
xattr -cr /Applications/
6) Maintenant, vous pouvez lancer l'application en double-cliquant dessus comme d'habitude
--- English ---
If you are not a developper and you want to play this game, please follow this indications. Works in my Mac M1
1) Buy and Download the app
2) If you try to open it, you will see a message "the app is broken", it's normal.
3) Move your app in your Application Folder
4) Open the Terminal app. It is in your Utilities Folder in the Applications Folder
5) Copy-Paste this line and press enter
xattr -cr /Applications/
6) Now, you can double-click on your app, it's now working.