A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Nature is in danger!

Phytis, an ancient spirit born from Gaea, has awakened, and they need you. The balance between nature and humanity must be restored. Plant magical seeds to stop the pollution before it is too late. Grow trees. Increase biodiversity. Become… the Phytomancer.


An ever-moving board — Pollution and nature will expand automatically as time passes. But beware: nature cannot win against pollution without your help! Make sure you plant the right seeds in the right spots.

Polluting factories — Bring back the factories of humans to harmony with nature to win the day!

Magical seeds — As you progress, Phytis will give you up to 4 different seeds. Each one has a different tactical advantage on the board. Use them wisely, and watch their powers unfold!

Global warming — Be cautious: as time passes, global warming increases, and with it pollution becomes stronger. Act quickly!

What should I expect?

Phytomancer is a short, fast-paced strategy game with a lightly-toned story. It contains 10 levels of increasing difficulty. It should take between 1 and 2 hours to finish the game. It is available in both English and French.

Go for it if:

  • you love nature;
  • you want to play something short and non-violent;
  • you enjoy strategy games;
  • or you just feel like it — who are we to judge?


Phytomancer was made by:

With the participation of Laurent Boissier, Mathieu Agopian and Pierre Brenas. For most of us, this is our very first commercial game. :)

We would like to thank all our lovely testers for their valuable time and feedback!

La nature est en danger !

Phytis, un ancient esprit issu de Gaïa, s'est réveillé, et a besoin de toi. L'équilibre entre la nature et l'humanité doit être restauré. Sème des graines magiques pour arrêter la pollution avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Plante des arbres. Améliore la biodiversité. Devient… le Phytomancer.


Un jeu en constante évolution — La pollution et la nature s'étendent automatiquement au fur et à mesure du temps. Mais prend garde : la nature ne peut pas gagner face à la pollution sans ton aide ! Assure-toi de planter les bonnes graines aux bons endroits.

Des usines polluantes — Ramène les usines des humains à l'harmonie avec la nature pour l'emporter !

Des graines magiques — Au fil du jeu, Phytis te donnera accès à quatre graines différentes. Chacune a ses avantages tactiques sur le plateau. Utilise-les à bon escient, et regarde leurs pouvoirs en action !

Réchauffement climatique — Attention : plus le temps passe, plus le réchauffement climatique augmente. Et avec lui, la pollution devient de plus en plus forte. Fais vite !

À quoi dois-je m'attendre ?

Phytomancer est un court jeu de stratégie avec une histoire au ton léger. Il contient 10 niveaux à la difficulté croissante. Le jeu devrait prendre entre une et deux heures à terminer. Il est disponible en anglais et en français.

Nous te le recommandons si :

  • tu aimes la nature ;
  • tu veux jouer à un jeu court et non-violent ;
  • tu aimes les jeux de stratégie ;
  • ou bien juste si tu en as envie — qui sommes-nous pour juger ?


Phytomancer a été créé par :

Avec la participation de Laurent Boissier, Mathieu Agopian et Pierre Brenas. Pour la majorité d'entre nous, ceci est notre tout premier jeu commercial. :)

Nous tenons également à remercier tous nos adorables testeurs pour leur temps et retours précieux !

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Oct 06, 2021
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
AuthorsDaydreel, adngdb, Akaroff, alexis.saler
GenreStrategy, Puzzle
Made withGodot
Tags2D, nature
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, French
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Buy Now3.00€ EUR or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 3.00€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

phytomancer_windows_1-0-1.zip 57 MB
phytomancer_linux_1-0-1.zip 57 MB
phytomancer_mac_1-0-1.zip 69 MB

Development log


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I liked it a lot, it's elegant and accessible, and the experience is just long enough IMO, nicely done.


Thank you for playing our game ! :D

I had a lot of fun playing this!

Thank you for enjoying our game ! :D


Incroyable ! J'ai adoré ce jeu. Défendre la nature en essayant d'aller plus vite que la pollution tout en essayant de feinter pour l'encercler est une super idée. Simple et efficace.

Si vous pensez faire une suite, j'achète direct ! Merci à vous pour ce moment de bonheur.

Merci Paradeus d'avoir joué à notre jeu !

Ton retour sur ton expérience du jeu nous fait chaud au cœur ! :D


Great game, totally worth trying, I enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing Phytomancer ! :)


Fantastic game guys. The last level was brutal!

Never too late to say thank you very much ! :)


I absolutely love this - a good deal of strategy involved despite feeling fairly frantic. The last level largely involved spamming trees around the central building to stop it swamping the land quite so much, but even that took a bit of thought up-front (and it's possible that I would have been able to take the boss down more efficiently if I'd been quicker to surround it with greenery to begin with). Plus, it's a suitably hefty obstacle for the final encounter.

The main thing I'd like to see is more levels - or (though I realise it's probably a huge ask) a level editor. It would be great to have a few where those bee-attracting plants were crucial to success - maybe a few little islands that have to be seeded with grass manually before you can plant there.

Hi Damon, thank you very much for playing our game and posting your thoughts.

The feeling of knowing that people enjoy our game is incredibly heart-warming :)

We would love, of course, to do more. But game development is always a difficult balance between time, money and motivation ! We had to cut some cool features (RIP :'( ) in order to commercialize the game. 

That's fair. The game is hardly lacking as it is, but if you ever come back to the idea (even as a separate title) I'd be keen to see more!

This is a really nice little game. Hadn't heard of it before, but picked it up as part of the World Land Trust bundle and its board game look got my attention. I posted my impressions of the first six levels on YouTube. In particular, I thought the music was amazing for a small indie game. 

Thanks a lot for testing our game on camera, and for the nice words! It’s always great to see folks play your game. :-)

I loved this game, but by the time I got to some of the later levels the balance just felt SUPER unforgiving! Is the final 'industrial park' level even winnable?

Thank you loving our game, it means a lot to us.

The industrial park level is winnable, though it will put you to the test ! In hope that you'll become a legendary Phytomancer, GL HF ! :)

really cool

Thanks :)